About Us
We are Paul and Kayley, soul mates & devoted parents who run Simply Spiritual Healing together as a family. Primarily working with ceremonial cacao and facilitating group and 1-1 ceremonies and events, we work hard to curate a safe, sacred space for ALL who attend.
Both musicians and following the teachings and lineage of Sanatan Dharma, we have found a profound magic in kirtan and mantra, and share this with all who attend our events.
We had our first child in 2020, and our world was turned upside down. We were catapulted onto the spiritual path and into the arms of lady cacao and the divine mother, and since then everything has blossomed for us and our family. Now we have 2 beautiful children who take the form of our greatest teachers.
Our goal is to share our knowledge, experiences, sadhanas (daily practises), ceremonies, medicines and music with as many as possible to help people let go of their emotional baggage and find happiness in the present, to open their heart and allow the mind to follow.
Keith Wilson – Cacao Keith
Caroline Myss
Parahansa Yogananda

The Rise of Hapé: Embracing Shamanic Medicine in Today’s World while Honouring its Sacredness
In the ever-evolving world of holistic healing, shamanic medicines are gaining recognition and becoming more widely embraced. Among these, Hapé (also known as Rapé) stands

How do you choose your facilitator?
Making sure that you are being held safely in ceremony is something that is something I have noticed so many people NOT doing. Think of

What is a Women’s Circle?
A women’s circle, often referred to as a women’s circle or women’s group, is a supportive and inclusive gathering of women who come together to

What is Cacao?
What is ceremonial cacao? Ceremonial cacao is high-grade, rich in flavour, traditional ‘chocolate’ that’s used to connect with some of the spiritual practices of the

How mantra has changed my life
I first came across mantra in the form of Kirtan, singing of mantras in a devotional space. After awakening into a new reality of consciousness