How do you choose your facilitator?

Making sure that you are being held safely in ceremony is something that is something I have noticed so many people NOT doing.

Think of it this way…

If you needed a baby sitter would you just ask the first person you met that claimed to be a baby sitter, or would you check their references, reviews, pages and anything else that tells you they’re legitimate and safe?

The role of being a facilitator is, for me, a huge responsibility!

Holding someone in sacred space so they can work with whatever it is that comes up for them, and being their to support them through that is a beautiful, but serious role to be in. ⭐️

🌱The last 2 years have been HUGE for the spiritual & conscious communities with a big undercurrent throughout the world triggering spiritual awakenings and self awareness.

On the back of this, trends have been growing on ‘light work’, ‘ascension into 5D’ and all things ‘higher consciousness’, or on the flip side, ‘destroying the ego’, ‘shadow work’ & ‘shadow work using medicine’.🌝

Now, there is nothing wrong with this in general, but it does leave people unbalanced if they are focusing on these aspects through a narrow perspective, leaving the shadow side of the sacred spiritual journey in the dark so to speak.🌚

And on the polarity of this, there are also growing numbers of the spiritual trend focusing narrowly on pulling apart the shadow side of their soul, but neglecting the element of light that brings the balance of being HUMAN & DIVINE.🌗

When it comes to choosing a facilitator to hold you in sacred space, whether that is on a 1-1 basis OR in a group ceremony, it is SO IMPORTANT in my own experience and opinion to make sure that they

1. Have they been initiated into what they are facilitating?

✨Not just by having training and certificates as these are so easy to get online with very little accreditation, but by life. Do you know if they have practiced what they preach for themselves for a good amount of time? Can they hold themselves in sacred space before holding others? Do they hold WISDOM alongside KNOWLEDGE of what they are teaching? These are questions that any strong, safe facilitator will not mind being asked, in fact I feel they will agree with me and encourage this line of questioning!

2. Are their intentions pure?

✨It is sad to say but even in ‘spiritual circle’s’ there are people holding space who do NOT have your best interest in their hearts. So how do you find out what their intentions are?

By doing your research. Do they have reviews on their social media pages or website that you can read through? Look at the photos of their events so you can feel into whether it feels right for you. Speak to people they may have worked with as collaborators (other facilitators may have a better view on ‘behind the scenes’ than people that joined the ceremony as guests). Sit in meditation and ask your heart how it feels about letting this person hold you in sacred space.

3. How do they portray themselves?

✨It is usually pretty easy to suss someone out through their social media presence. If they come across as consistently argumentative, arrogant, ‘above all others’, overly opinionated, ungrounded or uncompassionate, these are flags for me as someone who I DON’T want to hold space for me.

If they show themselves as authentic, raw, open, humble, empowered and grounded (being real alongside their spiritual gifts) then these are qualities that I use as part of my vetting system when looking for facilitators.

4. Do you FEEL that they are right for YOU?

✨There are SOOOOO many facilitators out there, and it can be really overwhelming when looking for someone to work with. BUT, on the contrary with algorithms etc on social media, it can be hard to find facilitators and when you finally come across someone it can be easy to jump on their event without even considering who they are and what their intentions are.

So I suggest waiting and feeling into them, using the tools above you should come to a safe decision on what is right for you.

Also, please keep in mind what is right for you, may not be right for someone else, so never push something on someone who isn’t sure, even if you feel you know better. 🙏🏼

It is an ESSENTIAL part of the self-empowerment movement for people to make their own decisions going off their OWN intuition, not relying on other people to tell them it’s right or wrong.🥰